Exploring the Veda

The Veda is an ancient record of spiritual experience and is the source of yoga, Ayurvedic medicine, meditation and Indian philosophy. The Veda is knowledge of the true conscious intent of the universe.

Exploring the Veda is a unique course delivered over six weekends. It combines theoretical understanding of the Veda along with practical application in daily life.

This knowledge transforms the way you view the ebb and flow of life. You learn to attune your awareness to the ongoing and ever-changing laws of nature. As a result, you experience less friction, greater clarity and better decision-making.

Course Instructors

Thom Knoles (by recording) — Thom is recognised as one of the most experienced teachers of the Veda’s true meaning and application. In 73 hours of lectures recorded over a two-year period, Thom delves deeply into the Veda and draws out the essence of the knowledge in a way that is both accessible and transforming.

Jillian Lavender and Michael Miller — An important aspect of the course is the time for discussion and exploration of themes with Jillian and Michael. This allows students to integrate the knowledge and relate it back to their own personal experience.

Course Structure

The course is held on evenings and weekends in six seminars spread over 18 months.

The first weekend can be taken as a stand-alone module or as the first part in the series. Students must complete the course in sequential order. Instalments are spaced by a few months to give time to integrate the knowledge before taking on new material.

The structure of each weekend is generally planned as follows:

Thursday 5.00pm – 8.00pm
Friday 2.30pm – 6.00pm
Saturday 1.30pm – 7.30pm
Sunday 1.30pm – 7.30pm

Each weekend includes special techniques and extended meditation programmes to practise at home over the weekend. It is recommended that students treat each weekend as a non-residential retreat.


Anyone who has learned Vedic Meditation, regardless of experience level, is welcome.


Course Fee

£450 per person each instalment


2016 – 2017 series

    2017 – 2018 series



      The Veda courses not only gave me an opportunity to understand the vedic world view that gave rise to this powerful meditation technique, but also proved to be incredibly relevant to understanding the issues and challenges I face on a day to day basis.  The Veda courses provide an excellent framework for unlocking further the benefits that accrue from daily meditation. I consider it a real privilege to have had the opportunity to study this knowledge.

      — Tim


      The Veda course for me was an inspiring, enlivening and humbling undertaking.  This knowledge at once provides us a conceptual framework for living a more fulfilling, relevant and peaceful life.  I found it promoted an upgrade in my sensing faculties, that has expanded the breadth of my awareness, allowing me a more subtle, immediate and ultimately richer experience of reality.

      — Andres